Sunday, May 22, 2011


When you think of the people in your life who continually attract the best things – a great love life, a good job, lots of money, and good fortune – you generally don't find them with a negative attitude. They have incorporated positive thinking tips and a great attitude into their lifestyle, no matter what happens to them. When they go broke, instead of wallowing in their misfortune, they look forward tothe challenge of getting rich one more time.

Herm Albright once said, "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort," and that may be true. It does take more than positive thinking tips to turn a dreadful life into one full of joy and abundance, but without that positive thinking, you won't stand a chance.

One of the most popular positive thinking tips that successful people use is visualization.
Can you imagine yourself married to the perfect man or woman? Can you imagine looking forward to going to work each day? Until you can, those things will not happen to you. It is important that you make positive thinking and anticipation of good things a part of your daily routine.

Another tip is to surround yourself with people who are successful and happy. If all you see around you are miserable, complaining people, then that is what you will become. Find the happiest, most successful people that you know, and not only will you learn from them, but their good fortune and good attitude will rub off on you.

Success in life is certainly due in part to luck, and there is some hard work involved too, but without a positive attitude, you will never get what you are looking for, in terms of money, love, health, or any form of success.

All The Best!!!

1 comment:

  1. A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step .....

    keep writing suraj ... well done
